Quicklinks: ‘Jasper Tizzy’ Lawsuit Threat, SexGen®, Symposium on Regulating Kids Worlds, and More…
September 19th, 2008 by Benjamin Duranske
We periodically run “Virtual Law Quicklinks” whenever we have a backlog of interesting items that aren’t big enough for full posts. Here’s today’s batch.
- Eros, the virtual adult-animation company owned by Second Life’s ‘Stroker Serpentine,’ has secured registration for the “SexGen” trademark. Eros has been at the center of two lawsuits over in-world copyright and trademark infringement, and this move will enhance the company’s ability to police use of the trademark in the virtual world in the future. Thanks to Second Life’s ‘Erica Dalglish’ for the heads-up.
- There’s some interesting commentary on virtual world business licenses from Second Life’s ‘
Raph Koster announced that the Terms of Service for Metaplace will be based on his oft-cited “A Declaration of the Rights of Avatars” (which he graciously granted permission to reprint as an appendix of Virtual Law). The draft terms on Raph’s site need some work if they’re going to be enforceable, and it may prove hard for Metaplace to stick to its guns on a few of the more player-friendly terms when questions of liability start popping up, but the move is impressive, and is sure to attract some users.
- Terra Nova is running a post from Professor Josuha Fairfield about a symposium on the regulation of kids worlds October 3 in Lexington, Virginia. The symposium features around a dozen professors and researchers, and is free to attend. Registration is here.
Finally, according to an article at SLNN, there’s trouble over at Central Grid (an OpenSimulator-based virtual world) and someone is threatening a lawsuit against Frank Corsi (better known as ‘Jasper Tizzy,’ formerly of Second Life, where allegations also flew). I can’t even begin to tell what’s going on here (which is typical in this sort of thing, and why I don’t usually cover claims like this) but the potential plaintiff does have an attorney (Bob Brackman, the subject of an earlier article), so it’s worth a skeptical link. I’ll cover it in more detail if it turns into anything. Thanks to Second Life’s ‘Doubledown Tandino‘ for the link.
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5 Responses to “Quicklinks: ‘Jasper Tizzy’ Lawsuit Threat, SexGen®, Symposium on Regulating Kids Worlds, and More…”
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Hi Ben,
I don’t wanna steal any credit, it wasn’t me that brought your attention to the central grid Jasper Tizzy issue….. by the way, is he even Jasper Tizzy on centralgrid?
I was the one that sent you the based-on-truth, but also partially internet viral …”Bush wants to stop Second Life and other ‘Games of Skill”
Actually, you did send me a link (a week ago, maybe) from SLNN. I’m sure you were just forwarding me something with “lawsuit” in the title, but credit where credit is due.
As for the based-on-truth-but-also-suspicious “Bush … Second Life” thing, I’m still working on getting a note together on that. My initial take is that there’s a thin veneer of truth, but it’s full of misinformation. Here’s that link, for what it’s worth: http://netfreedomforever.com/vote.php.
It is a shame you don’t have a comedy section, Ben; Central Grid would cover it quite nicely.
HAHAHAHA!! Yes, thank you Ben!!
You are right. I did send you that info.
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