Posted in VB Administration on June 22nd, 2007 2 Comments »
Sorry to disappear again so soon, but my wife and I are about to leave for eleven days in France. We’re attending the wedding of a good friend near Saint Lô, and exploring Paris and the Normandy countryside. Though I plan to check email regularly, I do not plan to post from the road. You [...]
Trademark infringement in virtual worlds is getting more lucrative. A Second Life Herald writer going by ‘Tenshi Vielle’ (herself a designer) reports that designer ‘Elexor Matador’ (doing business as “Elexor Matador Jewelry”) is selling twenty-five knockoff Cartier Himalia jewelery sets as limited editions for L$10,000 each (just under US $40). Proving that all press is [...]
Posted in VB Administration on June 15th, 2007 7 Comments »
My wife and I are moving into our new house over the weekend. (Yes, for those keeping score at home, that’s two moves in five months. This is the last one for a long time though, and that’s a nice feeling.) Regular posting will resume next week. In the meantime, I’ve got a question for [...]
Virtually Blind periodically runs “quicklinks” — items that are not long enough for a full story, but are worth a click. Here’s today’s batch: In a good example of how virtual worlds are pushing the legal envelope worldwide, the BBC is reporting that a “Japanese politician has become the first of the nation’s lawmakers to [...]