Virtually Blind periodically runs “quicklinks” — items that are not long enough for a full story, but are worth a click. Here’s the current batch. The Chartered Institute of Taxation will be conducting a seminar on virtual world tax issues at Second Life’s Depo Business Park on Tuesday, the 2nd of December at 3:30pm GMT [...]
I recently ran across a story about a dustup over alleged misuse of the “Miss Universe” trademark in Second Life (via Twisted and Tawdry). Cutting through the drama (and there’s plenty, if your drama levels are low) the story appears to be that “The Trump Organization” — as in Donald — is enforcing its “Miss [...]
As part of the SL Bar Association’s speaker series, Kate Fitz (Second Life’s ‘Cat Galeilo’), is presenting “Web 2.0 for Lawyers” in Second Life Saturday, November 22 at 12:00 Noon Pacific time. Fitz, who is a public law librarian in Sacramento, California and member of the California bar, serves as the SLBA’s Vice President of [...]
There’s an interesting post over at Not Possible In Real Life asking the question: “What is the correct (and legal) way to attribute photography and video shot in virtual worlds?” I was going to leave a comment there, but there’s really no way to answer this question off the cuff, so I’m turning it into [...]