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Metanomics LogoI’m pleased to announce that starting Monday, I will be appearing periodically (in avatar form) as a legal correspondent for the second season of Cornell Professor Robert Bloomfield’s excellent virtual worlds interview show, Metanomics.

My first appearance will be Monday, June 30th, at 12 noon Pacific time. I’ll be starting the hour with a brief segment on international jurisdiction, focusing particularly on the questions raised by open standards and open source platforms. The show’s featured guest will be Cisco’s Christian Renaud, who, I suspect, may also address these future possibilities from a technical/business perspective.

From the Metanomics announcement:

Christian Renaud, Chief Architect of Networked Virtual Environments for the Cisco Technology Center. Renaud announced Friday that he will be leaving Cisco. From the heart of Cisco’s incubator for emerging virtual technologies, we’ll explore Renaud’s experience, and you’ll find out why he believes that “Second Life and its walled/closed ilk will fade into the sunset in the next 24-36 months.”

Metanomics launched its second season last week with guests Rik Panganiban of Global Kids and Douglas Thomas of USC’s Annenberg School of Communication. The show takes place live each Monday in various virtual worlds (most often in Second Life). Past shows are available at

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3 Responses to “VB Editor Benjamin Duranske to Appear as Metanomics Legal Correspondent”

  1. on 28 Jun 2008 at 10:40 amDan Rosenthal


  2. on 28 Jun 2008 at 11:27 pmDoubledown Tandino


    The dual pairing to this one. HEAVY HITTERS!
    Ben from VB and Robert from Metanomics.
    Can’t wait to check in on these inworld conversations.

    I tell ya, goin to see this, there’s gonna be so much intelligence and wisedom spewin out, if the two of em fart, the gaseous atoms combine to form Albert Einstein

  3. on 29 Jun 2008 at 12:05 amBenjamin Duranske

    Thanks, man. We’ll try to watch the flatulence.

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