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Archive for January, 2008

As of today, it has been exactly one year since I wrote my first post and launched Virtually Blind. A Note of Thanks to Virtually Blind’s Readers This year saw virtual worlds and multiuser online games explode in popularity, and with that, legal questions were pushed to the forefront. The massive increase in players and [...]

According to the official site, Second Life’s Ginko Financial is selling a Xeon 5160 server on eBay. So far, no one has met the opening bid of $3200. Ginko Financial was a self-styled Second Life bank that collapsed last summer. It owed depositors approximately US $750,000 when it closed its doors. Ginko’s collapse is widely [...]

Virtually Blind periodically runs “quicklinks” — items that are not long enough for a full story, but are worth a click. We have a huge backlog at the moment, so here’s an extra large batch. The Honorable Sandra L. Townes, U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of New York, signed the consent judgment [...]

I had the pleasure to attend a real-life conference on virtual worlds at the IDC Hertzelia. The conference dealt with the real issues of virtual worlds, not just the legal issues, but also other issues. Dvir Reznik of IBM presented their perception of the metaverse and discussed Second Life and other virtual worlds. Reznik compared [...]

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