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Professor Joshua Fairfield (currently a visiting professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law) will present his paper, “Anti-Social Contracts,” at the Monday, September 24, 2007 Metanomics session in Joshua Fairfield's Avatar, from Washington and Lee UniversitySecond Life (11:00 AM Pacific). From the press release from Washington and Lee University:

Fairfield’s lecture will discuss how private-law contracts (known as End User License Agreements, Terms of Use, or Terms of Service) became the new public law of virtual worlds. Such contracts govern the day-to-day lives of millions of virtual world residents, and have grown so powerful that they may completely eclipse other cherished legal rights, including ownership of private property or freedom of expression.

Professor Fairfield’s paper has already sparked some great discussion, and I suspect that the session will also. The first Metanomics session last week maxed out the sim, so if you are a Second Life user and are interested in attending the event live, I suggest showing up on the early side. All Metanomics sessions are also available on SLCN.TV.

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4 Responses to “Metanomics Series in Second Life to Feature Law Professor Joshua Fairfield”

  1. [...] There are various legal questions arising from this incident. The first involves the precautions virtual forums may take regarding age verification: is “click and deposit” sufficient, or should game and virtual world companies use measures like Linden Lab’s Identity Verification (subject to significant criticism)? The second question regards the enforceability of End User License Agreements (EULAs) and their role as the new public law in Virtual Worlds; the enforceability of these unified contracts is still in question. These questions, and others, form the backdrop for my concern. [...]

  2. on 22 Sep 2007 at 10:45 amRobert Bloomfield

    I just wanted to let readers know that there are usually other islands that will stream the video from Metanomics sessions. Join the “Metanomics” group in Second Life, and you can will get landmarks as islands open up.

  3. on 22 Sep 2007 at 1:37 pmTaran Rampersad


  4. on 07 Dec 2007 at 10:46 pmjoshua's law

    I just wanted to let readers know that there are usually other islands that will stream the video from Metanomics sessions.

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