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Virtually Blind periodically runs “quicklinks” — items that are not long enough for a full story, but are worth a click. Here’s today’s batch:

  • FindLaw has a review of a new essay collection about virtual law. The book is called The State of Play: Law, Games and Virtual WorldsThe State of Play: Law, Games and Virtual Worlds. According to FindLaw’s reviewer, the essays tackle “how emerging digital worlds are influencing, and being influenced by, our non-virtual lives” and the book is “a must read for those with a stake in the future of virtual worlds.” At first glance, the essays look a bit dated, and at least one appears to be freely available on Salon, but I ordered the book, and I’ll eventually review it. Want a copy for your own library? You can get it on Amazon, though at the moment, they only have a handful of copies left in stock.
  • Wonkette gets snarky about virtual worlds and politicians who are setting up virtual campaigns in a piece entitled: “Edwards To Pin Down Crucial Techno-Savvy Shut-In Vote.” Read it, get angry, then admit it: she’s actually right. The Edwards 2008 campaign in Second Life really isn’t going to make a bit of difference. And it is a pretty funny piece, as long as you don’t mind your favorite virtual world being labeled a “massively multiplayer online role-playing dorkfest/pyramid scheme.”
  • Though it’s been around for awhile (and presumably works about as well as drinking Coca-Cola and eating aspirin) Reuters is reporting that there’s a virtual drug you can buy in Second Life that actually messes with your head by Secliminedisplaying “audio and text hypnotic inductions” to stare at while your avatar dances, passes out, throws up, or gets lucky on your behalf. It’s called “Seclimine.” Any readers actually tried this? Are you man, woman, or purple-tiger enough to admit it? Does it work, even a bit? A headache, hint of a seizure, or some dizziness, at least? With narcotics, the general rule is that a substance isn’t prohibited until somebody gets around to saying it is, and possession (though not sale) of fake drugs is generally legal anyway, but I’ll keep the “thanks for the link” for this one on the down-low, you know, from the virtual Po-Po.
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One Response to “Quicklinks: New Book on Virtual Law, Wonkette on Virtual Worlds, and Your Avatar on Drugs”

  1. on 18 Feb 2007 at 9:45 amPetey

    “The Edwards 2008 campaign in Second Life really isn’t going to make a bit of difference.”

    No, but on the bright side, it’s located next to a virtual casino, so if hanging out with the virtual Edwards campaign doesn’t slake your thirst for losing bets you can always head over to Hillieworld.

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