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Archive for July, 2007

This is going to be a short post because there’s really not enough information out there to justify the hand-wringing that is going on right now about this issue. Apparently someone, maybe ‘FlipperPA Peregrin,’ has applied for a patent, possibly, on something that might have to do with pay-per-video in a virtual world, maybe Second [...]

The Metaverse Republic, a “legal system for Second Life, with real powers of enforcement originating in user-created tools, and a democratic parliament,” publicly opened its website today. Though the MR is a relatively new project (“Metaverse Republic” is a great name, but somebody has to be the first to abbreviate it), the organizers are obviously [...]

I’m going to track this case somewhat more closely going forward as the discovery process is about to get underway. Taking a close look at court filings is a new feature for VB, and regular readers will notice that these posts contain only a tiny bit of opinion and not much personality at all. That’s [...]

Earlier, VB briefly covered the opening of Japanese politician Kan Suzuki’s Second Life office. The BBC is now reporting that Suzuki has been forced to shut down the office. Why? Because as everyone (including Suzuki) knew when it was opened, the office runs afoul of pre-internet Japanese election laws that limit campaign materials to paper [...]

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