Virtually Blind periodically features “Three Things” — quick lists of places, people, or issues important to virtual law. This time, VB features three places to visit in Second Life to learn about virtual law. First, check out Nova Southeastern University’s virtual law library. A Nova librarian was logged in as avatar ‘Anne Idler’ when I [...]
Virtually Blind Commentary My wife (who somehow gets along just fine without an avatar) would tell you that it was bound to happen. Somebody put together a dead-on parody of the Second Life home page advertising your “First Life.” (You know, the one where you eat stuff and can’t fly). The Supreme Court has said [...]
Virtually Blind Commentary Back in 1998, a law professor I once met, Paul Joseph (1951-2003), wrote a prescient article entitled Ultima Online: Justice in a Virtual World. The full text of the article is here. Professor Joseph was writing during the days of unfettered PvP combat in Ultima Online, when there were few built-in restrictions [...]
Virtually Blind Commentary Most readers will be familiar with the story of ‘Anshe Chung,’ the avatar of Second Life real-dollars millionaire Ailin Graef who, CNET reported, was subjected to “a 15-minute digital barrage of flying penises and doctored pornographic images” during an in-world interview with CNET in December. A video of the “griefing” attack has [...]