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Several key trademark applications for Second Life creator Linden Lab will be published for opposition over the next month.  Applications slated to enter this phase include those for the marks:

Linden Lab has applications entering this phase for two logos (pictured right and below) as well.

Linden Lab also has an application entering this phase on the name “SECOND LIFE” but has previously registered the name, and this application appears to merely expand the categories of goods and services for which the mark is registered.

“Publication for opposition” means that these trademark applications have emerged from the internal USPTO process and will be registered as trademarks if there is no opposition, or if any opposition is overcome.  The USPTO explains: “An opposition is a proceeding in which one party is seeking to prevent registration of another party’s trademark. Under the law, if a party believes that he will be damaged by the registration of a mark, he can file an opposition.”   Oppositions are heard by the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board.

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