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Benjamin Duranske's SL Avatar, 'Benjamin Noble' As part of ramping back up to full-time coverage at VB, I’m going to do some minor site updates, and update my virtual world presence.

Nothing drastic re: the site — an updated banner, a few visual tweaks, and some behind-the-scenes WordPress patches that I’ve been putting off. Let me know if you have any suggestions (particularly if you pay attention to what’s current with WordPress). Also shoot me a note if you want to let me know about your site, as I am overhauling my link list.

I’m updating my Second Life virtual world presence a little bit too — also nothing drastic. I’m looking for two things. First, a place for a small office, and second, a professional, realistic “animation override.”

Regarding the office, I used to maintain the SL Bar Association’s original office on the mainland, in a sim called Sallow. It was actually “first land” back when they let you do that, and it was a great location. I had Governor Linden protected land on one side, and a brothel in the sky (with a nice forest of trees at eye level) on the other. When ‘Beathan Vale’ donated space in his Justice Center build for new SLBA offices, I sold the plot to the Madame next door, and as result, I now have a 512m account I prepay every year, but no land.

I’d like to find something on the mainland, maybe with some historical significance. Having protected land or water on one side would be ideal, and I am willing to pay a bit of a premium for the right spot. I know… call me crazy, but I’m actually a sucker for ground-level builds on the mainland.

Regarding my avatar, I’m looking for a good, professional animation override, or, more likely, a collection of animation override parts that work together. The problem I have is that all of the male animation overrides I have found tend to run to one extreme or the other — they either make the avatar look like he’s terribly shy or else like he’s itching for a bar fight.

Suggestions for both, including self-promoting links to your Second Life stores and land sales operation, are welcome.

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5 Responses to “Updating Virtually Blind and Virtual World Presence”

  1. on 24 Jun 2008 at 7:55 pmCat Galileo

    have you tried the Breeze AO? I use the female version and think it’s pretty decent. (Most of the female ones look like you make your living on the streets… not that there’s anything wrong with that ™

  2. on 24 Jun 2008 at 8:05 pmBenjamin Duranske

    Thanks, Cat. I’ll check it out.

  3. on 25 Jun 2008 at 11:09 amSophrosyne Stenvaag

    Ben, welcome back! I hope you’re getting *some* sleep along the way!

    I’d like to put in a plug for Extropia: we’re putting in a new ground-level building of storefront-style professional offices, and we’d love to have you. Can’t beat the views!

    For AOs, when we’ve set up male av’s for clients, we usually use the $100L ones from the Bare Rose samurai combat facility (not the main store). It sounds odd, but they have one that’s good for younger men, and one that works fine for professional use.

    If you want something better than that, most of my animations are from Reel Movement. They have a wide range of individual animations that can be assembled into a HUD (I strongly prefer the ZHAO, having tried most of them). I’ve also heard good things about the animations at Maitreya, but in both cases, I can’t speak to the men’s animations.

    I’d be happy to take you around and help you get set up, if you’d like – the knowledge could come in handy!

  4. on 25 Jun 2008 at 11:23 amBenjamin Duranske

    Thanks, Soph. I’ll check out the AO options you mention, and Extropia is definitely on my list. Right at the top of the non-mainland part. Part of me really wants to stick with the mainland for nostalgic reasons, but I absolutely love the clean, optimistic-tomorrowland architecture at Extropia and I could easily see myself enjoying the view from an office there, and the opportunity to regularly run into some of the most interesting people I’ve met in-world. The only issue is that I do have a paid account that I get 512m worth of tier with already, and I last paid in February. So I’ve got 9 months or so on that left still that, if my understanding is right, I’d be sacrificing by going to a private sim. Not a huge deal, but it adds to my motivation to stick with the mainland.

  5. on 25 Jun 2008 at 8:58 pmDoubledown Tandino

    In my honest opinion, is to rent (obviously from someone you trust). If you don’t own land do you need the premium membership?

    When I started I went to premium, got my first land and started that way. Then I was offered the deal of
    $200L a week per 117prims… I stuck with my landlord for close to 2 years, and I continually expanded each moth as the business grew.

    So, just my opinion… drop to basic account and rent land.

    … one more thing.. look for the “Monty Python Briefcase” inworld. It’s something every inworld lawyer should carry.

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