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Archive for September, 2007

Today, Second Life creator Linden Lab changed Second life’s Terms of Service regarding dispute resolution. The move appears to be a direct result of the recent decision in the Bragg case finding the previous arbitration clause unconscionable. The new clause makes two significant changes, one that dramatically benefits small claimants, and one that makes it [...]

Quicklinks are back, and they’re quicker than ever. One link, one sentence. I tried to get rid of them, but there are simply too many developments in virtual law for me to cover everything with individual posts. So I’ll run the feature whenever I have a backlog of interesting items. Here’s today’s batch. Possible Class [...]

There are two developments in Bragg v. Linden Lab this week. First, Marc Bragg made several new discovery documents available on his website. Second, Linden Lab responded to Bragg’s motion to dismiss Linden Lab’s counterclaims, providing more detail on its claim that Bragg used an exploit to buy land at less than its full value. [...]

Al-Andalus Caliphate, a private government sim based on what its creator says are “authentic Islamic principles,” has opened in Second Life. Here is a SLURL to the build. Al-Andalus plans to eventually incorporate a functioning judiciary, based on Islamic law. Al-Andalus joins Caledon, the Confederation of Democratic Simulators, and others, as quasi-governmental systems in Second [...]

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