Virtual Law Quicklinks: Virtual Infringement; ID 2.0; Online ADR; and a Painful Lesson for a Night Elf
September 26th, 2007 by Benjamin Duranske
VB runs “Virtual Law Quicklinks” whenever we have a backlog of interesting items that aren’t big enough for full posts. One link, one sentence, a little commentary. Here’s today’s batch.
- Trademark Infringement in Second Life Noticed Again – Digital Urban joins the many voices singing the trademark infringement in Second Life song (originally a 2005 Tony Walsh hit, remixed by VB last spring). My prediction? Lawsuit in the summer of 2008 — though I suppose I waive any prognostication points if I file it.
- Identity 2.0 Defined – Solid fifteen-minute presentation (via Ouroborus) on identity, how it all gets tied together, and what user-based “Identity 2.0″ is going to look like. This informs the debate on identity verifiction in virtual worlds and is worth watching if you’re interested in the topic.
- New Paper on Online Dispute Resolution – Fairly basic, but this short paper (via SSRN) outlines how you could run an alternative dispute resolution program in Second Life, and covers some pitfalls; given that Linden Lab now says it will do binding non-appearance ADR for smaller claims against it, I see a real business opportunity here for somebody.
$9,700 World of Warcraft Banhammer – The BBC tells us that a level 70 “night elf rogue called Zeuzo” (with l33t l00t) sold for about €7,000 ($9,700 US) and the account was banned within days. There’s so much wrong here… let’s just have a moment of silence for Zeuzo.
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