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The popular website Something Awful found VB last weekend and linked to us not once, but twice, in a witty article by Chris “Petey” Peterson entitled Second Life Sucks: The Reckoning. Something AwfulYour faithful editor takes one in the teeth for starting the Second Life Bar Association and thus confirming that “the legal profession has indeed descended into irredeemable frivolity,” (actually, Petey, it’s been that way for awhile, see FN1) but the piece also quotes VB’s commentary on the Hillary ’08 headquarters verbatim, so while we’re probably not on the same page, or even reading the same book, we’re at least in the same, unbelievably geeky, section of the bookstore.

At any rate, the article is definitely driving a lot of traffic over here, so welcome, Something Awful readers. If you’re into legal issues or virtual worlds at all, stick around and see what happens.

FN1: “My suit has nothing to do with the assault, or battery, or poisoning, but is about three goats, which, I complain, have been stolen by my neighbor. This the judge desires to have proved to him; but you, with swelling words and extravagant gestures, dilate on the Battle of Cannae, the Mithridatic war, and the perjuries of the insensate Carthaginians, the Syllae, the Marii, and the Mucii. It is time, Postumus, to say something about my three goats.” — Martial, 1st Century

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2 Responses to “Virtually Blind is Something Awful”

  1. on 26 Apr 2007 at 6:27 amMeg Kribble


  2. on 26 Apr 2007 at 7:00 amBenjamin Duranske

    Sure. The increase in traffic is nice, and the piece is pretty funny. Lawyers ought to be able to laugh at themselves.

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