This is a repost to remind readers that tomorrow, June 24, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon Pacific time (1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern) I am moderating a teleconference on “Why Virtual Worlds Matter for Lawyers” sponsored by the American Bar Association’s Section of Science & Technology Law and Section of Intellectual Property Law. [...]
VB has obtained Blizzard’s response (.pdf) to the amicus curaie (”friend of the court”) brief filed last month by Public Knowledge in the MDY v. Blizzard litigation. For the background of this suit, see VB’s complete coverage of MDY v. Blizzard. Blizzard’s chief argument in this brief is that making a copy of software into [...]
VB has obtained an order (.pdf) issued by the judge in MDY v. Blizzard requiring World of Warcraft creator Blizzard to respond to a brief critical of a key argument in its case against bot-maker MDY. The argument under attack is Blizzard’s claim that software which loads World of Warcraft in a computer’s memory creates [...]
Virtually Blind will be relatively quiet for the next few weeks as my wife and I adjust to being parents. Our first child, a darling little girl we’ve named Charlotte, joined us very early this morning. She and her mom (who made a rare virtual world appearance last week for this screenshot) are both doing [...]