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Blawg Review LogoBlawg Review, a “blog carnival for everyone interested in law,” will be announcing the nominations for its third annual Blawg Review Awards in Second Life. The nominations will be announced at 11:00 AM Pacific (Second Life Time) on Thursday, December 27 in a live ceremony at the offices of the Second Life Bar Association (SLURL) in the new Justice Center. Virtual cappuccino and leftover holiday cookies will be served. If you are new to virtual worlds, this will be a great chance to meet other lawyers involved in this space. The awards will be announced, as usual, the last Monday of December (this year, the 31st) at Blawg Review.

What is a blog carnival? Blawg Review explains:

A blog carnival is a traveling post about a topic or theme. For example, there’s Carnival of the Capitalists, concerning business and economics, while Grand Rounds is about medicine and healthcare, and Blawg Review has topics discussed by lawyers, law students and law professors.

SLBA Offices in Second LifeEach week, a different law-related blog runs a special “blawg review” post on an area of law that is interesting to that blog’s editor, highlighting coverage on other legal blogs, all in the context of the host blog’s coverage. It gives lawyers, law students, and other people interested in one area of law the chance to take a guided tour of some other areas of law. Virtually Blind plans to host Blawg Review sometime in 2008, focusing on questions in virtual law and how they related to more mainstream legal issues.

Blawg Review Awards are usually fairly lighthearted — there aren’t even any banner widgets, let alone prizes. For example, the 2005 Blawg Review Award were “selected” by the Greek Goddess of Justice and Law, Themis, and accompanied by Greg Horn’s illustrations of “She-Hulk” dressed as Lady Justice (in the context of a discussion on fair use). The 2006 awards were presented “by Santa Claus to law bloggers who’ve been especially good this year.”

For more information on the Second Life Bar Association, contact VB‘s editor, Benjamin Duranske, who, as avatar ‘Benjamin Noble,’ founded the SLBA in December, 2006 and is the organization’s current President. For more information on Blawg Review, contact the Blawg Review editor.

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  1. [...] Virtually Blind Third Annual Blawg Review Award Nominations to be Held in Second Life Quote from the site – Blawg Review, a “blog carnival for everyone interested in law,” will be [...]

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