Hey Second City kids, want a job?
August 22nd, 2007 by Benjamin Duranske
Actually, you may not want this particular job. It appears to pay $9.00 an hour and require no experience. At anything. I’m fairly sure some In-N-Out Burger locations offer higher pay and have higher standards. But if you happen to be at the University of Chicago law school, are looking to pick up some virtual street cred, and have an interest in conducting “Economic Experiments in Second Life,” it’s your big chance.
Okay, I’ve got nothing but respect for the University of Chicago’s law school, but there’s something kind of grotesque about offering nine bucks an hour to people with “no experience” to do experiments that, presumably, involve other people’s money. I mean… isn’t the idea that kids with no experience can conduct economic experiments in Second Life sort of, well, what we all recognize is a big part of the problem right now?
There aren’t a lot of facts, so I’ll withhold judgment on this particular plan. And at minimum, it at least means that yet another law school is taking a serious look at virtual worlds. In the long run, that’s probably a good thing, since it means more young attorneys with a passion for technology and an interest in issues that matter in virtual worlds will be learning about these spaces.
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Hello Benjamin, I am a research assistant with the University of Chicago project mentioned above. Currently our study needs a lot of work and has many errors. I do apologize for these, but I know the professor and his assistant in Chicago are doing everything possible to quickly rectify the situations. You are more than welcome to talk to me in world about this endeavor, and to take our Survey yourself. Please search “survey” in classifieds, you should find us easily. Oh and thank you for putting me onto this job, Keenan