More on Taxing Virtual Profits
March 27th, 2007 by Benjamin Duranske
One more note from the road for virtual entrepreneurs as U.S. tax day draws near. Terra Nova has an abstract up from a very solid piece of analysis on taxes in virtual worlds. Both the discussion at Terra Nova and the article itself are well worth your time.
- The Terra Nova article and the abstract of the paper can be found here.
- The full article can be downloaded from the Social Science Research Network, here. Registration at SSRN (free) is required to download.
In vacation news, the perfect margarita is: 2 parts tequila (quality is largely irrelevant, so long as you don’t get the paint-thinner type), 2 parts lemon-lime soda, 1 part fresh lime juice (don’t use thin-skinned key limes – they are way too sour), and 1 part Triple Sec. Purists will complain about the 7UP, but it makes the drink just sweet enough so that you can drink several, it adds a little fizz, and most people can’t even recognize that it’s in there.
Thanks for sticking around during my long vacation! Things will be back to normal around here in a couple of weeks.
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